Chasing Rainbows

Lovingly sunkissed I return from a Mackenzie autumn to the wild wind and wet of Dunedin.

But on the upside, I return with treasure to sort  – footage from my first 2 interviews is ready to view and add to the scripting of the film.

Less exciting is that I really have no excuse to avoid the joy of scriptwriting (sarcasm much? sigh). So filmmaking is in full swing, the story is developing in front of my eyes (with a little help from some hours of crafting), the year is passing by at an alarming pace and it’s almost time for winter. Next trip I’ll be prepared for frost with my wooly warms, and hoping to capture some on film. I’ll also be having a go with my new gadget – an intervalometer, for those who don’t know (like me a few months ago) an intervalometer is an attachment for your still camera which tells it to take pictures at set intervals, and it’s the gizmo behind time lapses – ideal for the big skies and stunning landscapes of the Mackenzie!

Moan whine complain? well not really, just busy. But that’s quite enough of that. Here’s a pic from the set taken over the weekend by my awesome Mum (she’s such a great assistant) as a component of the publicity requirement for the project. ie see me in some of the amazing places I’ve filmed in!

golden grasses and morning dewdrops

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